Address Queue Tab

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Here you may look through lists of available, processed, error and rejected addresses with causes of errors, reasons for rejecting and recommendations. You also can restart error and rejected addresses for processing.

Available addresses - will be processed after running the task.
·You may put addresses for reprocessing to this list from another lists (for example from the "Rejected" list).  
·For necessary addresses to be processed first select them and do command "Move to Queue Top".  
·You may abort address processing - select them and do command "Abort Downloading". They will be listed into the "Aborted" list.  


Processed addresses - addresses, processing of which was a success.
·You may move selected addresses to the "Available" list for reprocessing by means of "Move to Available" command. After running the task they will be processed.  


Failed addresses - addresses, processing of which stopped by error.
·Error description is in the field "Error". Advices are in the field "Recommendation".  
·You may move selected addresses to the "Available" list for reprocessing by means of "Move to Available" command. After running the task they will be processed.  


Rejected addresses - addresses, which were rejected because they do not correspond to any condition.
·Description of condition, because of which the address was rejected is in the field "Reject reason". Advices how to switch off this condition is in the field "Recommendation".  
·You may move selected addresses to the "Available" list for reprocessing by means of "Move to Available" command. After running the task they will be processed.  


Aborted addresses - addresses, which were aborted by means of "Move to Aborted" command in the "Available" list or by means of "Cancel" command in the "Connections" tab.
·You may move selected addresses to the "Available" list for reprocessing by means of "Move to Available" command. After running the task they will be processed.  


Toolbar commands:
button_toavailable - "Move selected addresses to Available (Ctrl+Z)" - move selected addresses to the "Available" list for reprocessing.
button_abort - "Abort downloading of selected addresses (Ctrl+X)" - move selected addresses to the "Aborted" list
button_movetotop - "Move selected addresses to the top of queue to download first" - move selected addresses to the top of "Available" queue to download first.
button_selectall- "Select all addresses (Ctrl+A)" - select all addresses.
button_selectpictures - "Select only media files (Ctrl+Shift+A)" - select only media files.
button_selectmask - "Select addresses by mask" - select addresses by mask (like *.gif, 1?.jpg).
button_properties - "Address properties" - show address properties.
button_delete - "Delete selected addreses" - delete selected addreses.

There are several additional commands in the lists context menu.

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